Elton Hendrix project is made up of : Songwriter, Vocalist, and production by Elton Hendrix, Contracted for hire Main Studio Vocalist: Gaston Loizeau and Main Studio Production by: Aquillonprod
All comments made on all pages here are the sole view and responsibility of Elton Hendrix
Next songs being recorded:
- Life is so real (Behind the song)
A sheltered and loved child is protected from the realities of life. But the ups and downs of life become readily manifest later in the living period. The unpredictability leaves one shocked at times waiting for the next bad report. As the song says , “Life is like a bird, only the hunter knows when she’ll come down again”. One is then introduced to the new players in the drama of living. Sickness, Death, old age and then of course the daily grind, the joys of successes and the disillusion of failure, the struggles to move one step forward, and then the two steps back. The beauty of a Rose and then its disappearance. When life drops us to our knees or when if causes us to leap in pure exaltation and unmitigated exhilaration. These are surprises awaiting one as one crawls out of the cocoon. Yet most of us cherish life with all its surprises and hold on to the very end making the best of every day even during the truth of what Job 14:1,2 says, “Man, born of woman, Is short-lived and filled with trouble. He comes up like a blossom and then withers away; He flees like a shadow and disappears “. Ecclesiastes 6:6 states, “What is the benefit of living a thousand years twice over but not experiencing enjoyment? Do not all go to the same place?”. But would not living thousands of years without the pains of life constantly overshadowing the enjoyment of life be a worthwhile hope and pursuit. Well it is a possibility, Psalm 37:11 promises, “But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace”. How LONG? “The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.” Verse 29. So although the song laments the negativity of this life and while we acknowledging the shared joys, these future promises eliminate the negativity and leave in its wake only a wonderful life of pleasure and happiness. A life of such absolute quality and length is worth taking the time to verify because it is worth more than billions monetarily. And if the possibility of billions would move us to take time to investigate, would not such a life be worth much more and thus the time invested beneficial , producing something even more lucrative. These were thoughts behind the song , “Life is so real”. When we see the negative clearly without becoming negative then the positive becomes an even more beautiful contrast.
2. Achoo
Achoo (Behind the song)
Achoo is frivolous look at how easy a relationship can be lost with the hyperbole of the speed of a sneeze. Of course there is always a longer build up before the sneeze. When the relationship is based only on emotion , then as the months pass the fog is removed from the glass and the ugly side of a partner becomes clearly legible something hidden by the emotional entrance months earlier. Then comes the SNEEZE. The blindness that was so willingly to accept now leaves one shocked at the suddenness of the parting. A parting that had been developing subtlety during the relationship and actually the relationship was generating its deterioration due to the negative actions taking place and the ugly qualities that were surfacing. Sadly this has been the road of too many and not the most wise way to make such a important and serious decision of giving your life to another . “ The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, But the wise one accepts advice”–Proverbs 12:15. As the verse says, the wise person accepts advice, and what greater advice could there be than to look for the following qualities in the person that is to be chosen: “On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”—Galatians 5:22 . Also 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” If couples look for these qualities before developing an emotional attachment they may never have to experience a SNEEZE! These are the thoughts behind the song “ACHOO”.
FANTASY (Behind the song)
Fantasy is usually associated with daydreaming, dreaming of something that is not as of yet obtained but wishes to be. It could be something that will never be due to its inappropriateness or impossibility, especially in the area of relationships as the song seems to implicate. However many inventions materialize that started from a day dream. So a daydream or fantasy is not the truth until it becomes realized whether that be a relationship or an invention. For some it is hard to separate truth and fantasy that gravitates into conjectures or suppositions. Really the latter are in a world of a different origin, that of opinions, desires and wants which should never be co-mingled with the truth. For instance we hear it said , “Its his truth or my truth or your truth”. But really is the truth so fickle that it can be relegated to varying opinions so as to pacify each individual with the warm and fuzzy feeling that they are totally on the right path and way of thinking. Thats just a Fantasy! Truth is much more established. It is like the Block Chain which is an electronic ledger of information confirmed on thousands of linked computers. So if anyone should introduce a contradiction to this massive collection of accurate information it is refuted instantly. That is the way of the truth, it becomes established and becomes the straight edge by which to measure all things. A fantasy, a daydream, a conjecture or a supposition can’t do that. In our gathering and processing of information we have to be constantly aware of the chasm that separates these two lines of thought. Theories and ideas presented as “IF such and such happened then such and such occured” are not the truth but simply conjecture or supposition. They are simply conclusions and opinions as a branch off of something that may be truthful. Sometimes in conversations we have to ask the conveyor of information if that is what actually happened or was said or is it their opinion of the events being related. That is how something becomes gossip and gets distorted as it is passed on to each pair of waiting lips. Thus the information is not accurate. The expression “accurate knowledge” is used repeatedly in the Bible some 18 times in the new testament (Greek language portion) indicating the presence of knowledge that is NOT accurate. Only” accurate knowledge” can be the truth, so anything else falls into the category mentioned above of ‘a different origin’ but is not the truth. So how does one determine what is truth, what is fantasy, Conjecture, suppositions, and opinions. By measuring everything with the straight edge of the truth, yes knowledge we know to be accurate. Some say science is the basis for such knowledge. Interestingly the Bible makes this claim in John 14:6 , “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life”. The words of Jesus are stated again in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and TRUTH.” So the Bible becomes the challenger to all forms of claimed truth whether religious or scientific. In all these trains of thought one has to arrive at conclusions without using opinions, conjectures, suppositions and theories thus avoiding what we can now term as a fantasy, not the truth. Both Science and the Bible make claims regarding happenings thousands and millions of years ago that none living today has seen nor can verify as eyewitnesses. So to arrive at truth religiously or scientifically one has to first remove all opinion, conjecture and personal interpretation. In the case of Science one accepts established fact but cautiously leaves theories and conjecture at the door before entering the area of truth. Regarding the Bible and religious matters the truth is found when one leaves opinions and interpretations also at the door before entering the search for truth. One has to come to understand the actual true meaning factually of the information in consideration. The site JW.org is a very useful lens in finding the truth using the power of reason and common sense to arrive at logical and accurate conclusions based on the facts. Next comes reliability We need a reliable source that we can trust in its provision of information that cannot be seen or verified by us personally. Both claim to have that authority and both present things that are hard to understand or seem unbelievable. It takes time to examine each so as to acquire accurate knowledge of truth so as to serve as a reliable straight edge of truth. But to reject something just because it is not understood or seemingly fictitious is not the way to accurate knowledge. These wise words set the stage, “For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ” -2 Corinthians 10:5. So the religious side of the issue cannot be emotional outbursts of teary eyed adherents refusing to reason on matters. One has to have the ability to overturn reasonings and that takes a listening and analyzing mind . And that can be done if one logically examines the facts with an open mind. Otherwise we are just splashing around in fantasies and opinions and not establishing a truth that serves as a straight edge. The song’ Fantasy’ although referring to ones desired relationship symbolically addresses the desire to believe something without verifying it with a reliable source letting the desire be the determining factor. When desire enters the realm of reason grasping at opinions becomes plentiful especially if those opinions are supporting ones desire. Truth cannot be found in that environment. So belief in the Bible can appear to be a fantasy if ones belief is based solely on a conditioned desire with a closed mind, miles away from common sense. Trust in science also becomes a fantasy if ones foundations are theories and conjectures. So simply a fantasy is something desired but with blocked attainability because of ones method of approach. In the case of each side one has to examine the information that each provides to see how reliable and honest is the presentation of all other matters establishing it as a reliable source and only then can one accept as truth the unseen offerings. If not we could be ‘running and running’ as the song says with a’ fantasy in (our) mind’ ‘as happy as can be’ because our desire is being coddled though it has nothing to do with truth. So for some Ignorance is bliss! These are thoughts behind the song , “FANTASY” .
STAY (Behind the song)
Relationships appear suddenly and before you know it, a bond has been formed. As the song says, “Just blew in on a northern storm” focuses on that suddenness.. Two strangers, now two close friends and lovers with the intent to give ones life to the other eternally. Some say that true love is finding the right person that you were met to be with , your soulmate and then you will be happy ever after. Although this helps, the biggest part of a relationship has less to do with finding and more to do with construction. In life not all is perfect, as the line of the song confirms, “There are places, there are times when nothing seems to rhyme”. This is where construction comes in as two people handle and plow through these times successfully even as it tests ones resolve to continue. But then successful relationships are built facing the bumpy roads together and “Standing (ones) ground” in protecting something held as precious and not letting the scars of war alter the goal of preservation. It is the time to share in the construction of building a love that withstands all storms. So over time the relationship becomes a strong enduring structure that withstands all destructive intrusions. It happens if both apply these wise words at Ephesians 5:33, “Nevertheless, each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband”. These words focus exactly what is needed by each gender to produce satisfaction. A woman needs to know she is loved and a man needs to know he is respected. With the following attitude forgiving becomes the eraser for the negative by covering it up and forgetting it: “ Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins”- 1 Peter 4:8. Then love ends up acquiring this strength stated in the Song of Solomon 8:8, “ Place me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm, For love is as strong as death is, And exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the Grave. Its flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah”. As the song continues to focus on the unity developed it says, “Now is the time to share, love is mine love is yours, please stay”. As the last line of the song states that focusing on separating as an option becomes not a possibility. Why let the fickleness of temporary things like the marks disappearing on the sand by the entering waves or flooding rain cause one to believe freedom from this beautiful construction is a destiny. As the verse says , “Lines are drawn on the sand, the winter rain washes the land, nothing ever has to be , freedoms not a destiny”. These are the thoughts behind the song ‘STAY’.