Once again I want to thank all of you for you continued support of my music. I wanted let you know what was the motivation behind the songs “My Plastic Patch” and “Where did you come from Rwanda”.
Many have heard of, ” The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and may have even read about it. Surely all have heard about the ethnic cleansing in Rwanda.
RWANDA : As I read stories of groups that were hiding their Christian brothers in order to save them from the bloody massacre at the risk of their own lives it left me shattered in disbelief that such horrible actions could be mounted in our day supposedly enlightened. The movie “Hotel Rwanda” left me realizing this was just a spec on the historical timeline of abuses against humanity that have brought about the total obliteration of the innocent leaving them broken and destroyed by none other than other humans. That is why the song is entitled “Where did you come from Rwanda” rather than just Rwanda. The literally endless injustices by man to others throughout history mirrors these words “that man has dominated man to his harm” (Ecclesiastes 8:9).
MY PLASTIC PATCH: I had read in a magazine called Awake in an issue published some years ago in 1989 a warning about the Pacific plastic problem. The article was entitled “Oceans—Precious Resource or Global Sewer” . Later appeared in around 2006 or 7 another article specifically mentioning “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” Earlier while visiting Ecuador our friends brought us to a breathtaking site where a tributary of the Amazon River was rushing through a deep gorge on its way to the sea. Completely astonished by what we were beholding, we became more astonished when a Large Garbage truck pulled up and unloaded its entire contents in what we thought was a pristine untouched site. We were shocked and told, “every day many garbage trucks unload here”. Later in 2013 an article in the Newcastle Herald, entitled “The Ocean is Broken” appeared confirming the systematic ruining of the seas literally by specs and specs that have grown to twice the size of Texas! The song “My Plastic Patch” referring to what had now become an unwanted possession of the earth was written during this time calling attention to such ruination by mankind. The Total devastation and ruin of other humans and the environment bring to mind the need that the ” appointed time……. to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” be fulfilled (Revelation 11:18).
Again I thank all of you for listening, and wish you all the best!
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