5 Miles out of Saint Augustine (Behind the song)
Traveling across the country one is filled with appreciation for the beauty of the landscape. The mind is open to different venues that open up a new way to visualize life. As a fish out of water not all is good when things go wrong, because not everything is at hand and easily obtained. Especially when one has an urgency to return to someone so long missed. That was the case near Saint Augustine , Florida. When your vehicle breaks down away from town that is not even your town all focus changes to solving the new forced focus. How can you get back to your loved one now and will this new change be endlessly long. It is always easier to face these situations together with another as Ecc 4:9-11 Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them falls, the other can help his partner up. But what will happen to the one who falls with no one to help him up? Moreover, if two lie down together, they will stay warm, but how can just one keep warm? And someone may overpower one alone, but two together can take a stand against him. And a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn apart.” As it stood one has to face the challenge alone with an anxious waiting for what was ones true destination to the one loved as , Prov 13:12 states, “Expectation postponed makes the heart sick, But a desire realized is a tree of life.” In that state of mind no other thing holds ones interest no matter how exciting or beautiful. But all problems get solved even though they looked bleak and hopeless , soon the road was calling again with a renewed hope and the destination ready to be grasped. These are the motivations behind the song, “5 miles out of Saint Augustine”.
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