A wall around you (Behind the song)
Walls are met to keep something out as well as not letting something in. We have walls around our homes ,business and other areas of life. And that is sometimes necessary given the world we live in. But the walls most disturbing are those we put around ourselves. They don’ let others in and they don’t reach out to others needs. They stifle the words at Acts 20:35, “ There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’’ The wall we build around us neither gives or receives. Oh a person may give an item as a gift but these walls are not in that category for they have to do with our feelings. For it is hard to give love if one has not received love, it is hard to recognize another if one has not been recognized, it’s hard to commend if one has not been commended, it is hard to empathize if one has not received empathy. That is why being a parent is so important because if we give these things, our children will receive these things and will in turn be a blessing to the world, to all those they meet because they now can give all these things as well. These children become a comforting gift to whomever they marry, befriend, work and laugh with. In a relationship walls need to be torn down so as to give way to the joy of giving and receiving those above qualities thus beautifying deepening and creating a loving relationship with no STOP signs blocking this free flow. No one is perfect but for a child raised as a blessing it’s easier. What about those from dysfunctional families. There is help, it is never too late. Colossians 3:10 says, “ clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it”. One can make changes with the proper knowledge snd changes can gradually take place that can eliminate those once impenetrable walls. That knowledge comes from the book that all the quotes have come from, the Bible. The song says in frustration, “The feelings not there, nothing is rearranged”. But we have to realize that it takes time to change to something that one has never known. So patience is needed and one can take comfort in the fact that the matter is being tackled and an effort is being made. Dysfunction can produce function in time. One has to ask the one who can help, . “For God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act”-Philippians 2:13. All the above are the thoughts behind the song , ‘A wall around you’.
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