Angela (Behind the song)
Angela was young and definitely not met for this kind of ending. On the expressway in a car crash is not the last thing one wants to remember. The Doctors insisted on a medical treatment the family could not support so treatment was delayed and the infection that developed as a result put Angela in a coma according to those attending to her. It was as Ecclesiastes 9:11 states “I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all.” Even to a good person as Angela was, the ‘time and unexpected events’ overtook her. Those providing her needs including the Doctors refused to accept our insistence that she was not in a coma. Why would we promote such an idea against all professional harmonies. Because we were asking her questions that required her to blink her eyes once for ‘yes’ and twice for’ no’. And Blink she did even with emotion when we would ask a question that would require one to be incensed at such a ridicules question. She would consistently answer every question correctly. About a week later after bringing a specialist to confirm our findings she passed away due to lack of attention. The family would later take action but we were all left stunned at the rapid change of events and the sorrow it produced. However not all was lost because the promise was and would be true, “ Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life…………….”John 5:28,29 . Job confirmed the matter with his question, “If a man dies, can he live again? I will wait all the days of my compulsory service Until my relief comes. You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands-Job 14:14,15. Yes The Creator longs to bring persons back to life, so Angela will be here again, restored to life on earth as will millions of others who have died. “The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it-Psalms 37:29. The song was written as an encouragement to Angela to keep fighting but the presentation of it was never able to be realized. These are the motivations and circumstances surrounding the song Angela.
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