Blame (Behind the song)
Blame is passed around to others like candy, when really the one passing is to blame. Sometimes it hides behind the broken shield we build around ourselves so we can’t be blamed. It becomes our defense mechanism to get the spotlight off of us and onto another. As the song says , “Blame seems to fall upon , almost always falls upon those who never knew”. Yes even when one is not present they are still being blamed , and the blamer is out of the spotlight. Although the blameless who sometimes may be unaware of the condemnation raised against them , this verse at Psalm 37:18 provides comfort when it says, “Jehovah is aware of what the blameless go through, And their inheritance will last forever.”. So even though someone is blamed , this injustice is noticed as being incorrect and the blamed one is rewarded positively. The next quote confirms the reward, “ For only the upright will reside in the earth, And the blameless will remain in it.”– Proverbs 2:21. How long is the reward? Psalm 37:29 states , “The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live FOREVER on It. A good reward for being blameless. In the song the blamer is feeling regret because he admits , ‘I was blaming you for the things you couldn’t give’. And ‘ I just sit and wonder when this hopelessness inside will ever go’. So the positive side is that those that unjustly condemn and blame others may come to their senses and change to a more compassionate stance. The reward for such a change is magnanimous: “Turn away from bad and do what is good, And you will REMAIN FOREVER”-Psalm 37:27. These are the thoughts behind the song ‘Blame’.
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iplay pearldrums –
Very relaxing music ,, good job…
Bill –
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