Just Another Lifetime Spent (Behind the song)
Sometimes a whole life is spent pursuing the negative that we think is the positive. Prestigious pursuits, wealth and the pretense that often accompany them fill years of life that quickly pass by and then becomes Just another lifetime spent. For some it is hard to stand alone against the strong wind of such pursuits that can easily engulf them when it seems that it is just life going in its ordinary way. It is much easier to close ones eyes to the reality of the worlds trouble and pain and look for stories and tales that pacify our conscious and put us in the judgement seat of those less advantaged. We don t have to let things go in its ordinary way. In Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 the wise man Solomon made these interesting observations, “ So I came to hate life, because everything being done under the sun seemed distressing to me, for everything was futile,+ a chasing after the wind . I came to hate all that I had worked so hard for under the sun,+ because I must leave it behind for the man coming after me. And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish? Yet he will take control over all the things I spent great effort and wisdom to acquire under the sun. This too is futility. So I began to despair in my heart over all the hard work at which I had toiled under the sun. For a man may work hard, guided by wisdom and knowledge and skill, but he must hand over his portion to a man who did not work for it. This too is futility and a great tragedy.
What does a man really gain from all his hard work and ambition that drives him to work hard under the sun? For during all his days, his occupation brings pain and frustration, and even at night his heart does not rest. This too is futility.
There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and find enjoyment in his hard work.” So the focus is to learn to enjoy the activity one is in rather than be frustrated over the ambition to obtain what one cannot achieve. Enjoying life creates happiness but spending time dissatisfied with what can’t have brings depression and just another lifetime spent. Solomon continues to show the real benefits of the more positive way of looking at and living life , “ This too, I have realized, is from the hand of the true God,
for who eats and who drinks better than I do?
To the man who pleases him he gives wisdom and knowledge and rejoicing,” Having things are fine but that is not the goal in lifand doesn’t bring sustained happiness. These were the thought behind the song, “Just another lifetime spent”.
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