Let it fly (Behind the song)
This time I would like to give you some background to the writing of the songs “Walk right on through the Pain” and “Let it Fly”. We all face low spots in our life and I am no different than you. Sometimes they can bring us down so low that we may feel there is no escape, that they will never end! It was during one of these low spots that these songs were written. One needs the love of someone who cares and the recognition that these feelings are just momentary, they will pass if we refuse to feed them. The words at 2 Corinthians 4:17 helped me where it says,” For though the tribulation is momentary and light, it works out for us a glory that is of more and more surpassing greatness and is everlasting”. It will pass ,Just “let it fly”, “wait until tomorrow it will go away.” I am so glad that I never acted on the emotions of the moment. DON T act on those emotions, WAIT! They will go away! And you will become a stronger person as the words above say “it works out glory …greatness and is everlasting” The next time you will be able to face the negative with better success and will have refined all the needed qualities to face this life. In these two songs originally I was talking to myself and everyone else facing the same maladies but I found the songs helpful in encouraging others who needed a hand to get off the ground. Don t feel you are unloved or unlovable, you are a unique person, there is no one else like you and you will get stronger. There are many who love you, Don t feed these negative feelings, let them pass and you will see more clearly! These feelings are momentary and light when compared to the years of good things that we have experienced. As the song says, “If I could take upon your pain , If I could shield you from the rain..then I d let you know how much I really care” I don t know many of you personally but I appreciate and love you for the persistent support you have given. Everyone has great and unique value including you. Don’t ever forget that! You can walk right on through the pain , so just let those negative feelings fly away and you will see that things change to the better.
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