If you only knew/Ode to Todd
- Behind the song “Ode to Todd”
- The roar of engines seemed to fill this long tube but yet so far away from the numbness that prevailed. The trip to Phoenix would have been a pleasant one to see my sister Dawn arriving from Portland who I hadn’t see in some years. But this was the most unpleasant of trips because her son who was living in Phoenix had taken his life. It would also be my first encounter with Gloria his mate and her need to be comforted as well. We have all faced similar circumstances where we are left with the inability to appease the moment. Todd was a genuinely sincere person with too many confusing and negative consequences during his upbringing that intruded upon his adult life. We found during our time there that Todd had ask a question to his internet contacts
- “If one continues to hurt God, wouldn’t it be better to commit suicide and stop hurting God” A few days later he was found in the garage in the car he had attached the hose connecting the exhaust to the interior. Sadly Todd was just one sad consequence of the thousands of good people who have been hurt by the things they see and feel in a world so out of balance. Teddy his little dog who he loved so much seemed to be reflecting the very pain that Todd must have felt. His step-son Tyler admired his kindness as well as the hundreds of business and email contacts he had.
- Each one deals with the moment in different ways and mine was to put my feelings in the song, “Ode to Todd” that was written during the return flight. I have always loved Todd and we talked on the phone about him coming to Florida for a visit, which I had been looking forward to. Now I only wish it could have intercepted this history. The moment can’t be changed but we can be comforted by the fact that death can be undone. John 5:28,29 states, . “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out…”
- Thanks to all of you for listening to our music. You can support Elton Hendrix Project by purchasing the songs you like at eltonhendrix.com or
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