ONE MORE CHILD (Behind the song)
Thoughts and inspiration behind the song , “One more child”
The sad truth as never before the sexual abuse of children is a rampant plaque. Just google every square mile in most every city in the US and be amazed at how many pedophiles are in your neighborhood. It is incredible in a time when there are more protections for children than ever before. For instance in the 1880 s the sexual consent for girls in the States was 10 to 12 years old except for Delaware which was 7 years old according to some sources. The abuse of minor children continued deep into the 20th century with children being married to the abuser so he could continue the abuse. Such a husband today would be considered a pedophile and such an action would be extremely gross. Even famous people were involved in such actions.
Thankfully in 1974, the federal government launched the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Since then the efforts to protect children from these horrible abuses have increased. Before churches weren’t required in many places to report such sexual abuse to the authorities under the “clergy-penitent privilege,” where the matter was handled within the church. But after so many persons belonging to a church and even ministers and priests disgustingly used their positions to satisfy their evil egotistical desires (with no consideration to the lasting harm to these innocent victims) the government stepped in requiring the mandatory reporting such abuse in many jurisdictions. And rightly so! Why would churches be the ideal place for these repugnant individuals. Because of the trust that most members feel. What a perfect environment for a pedophile to carry out his wicked deeds where he might deceptively get into a position of trust. The biblical text at Acts 20:29,30 mentions this constant effort of nefarious individuals looking to enter in the congregation with egotistical intentions. It says, ” I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.” Obviously such individuals have ulterior motives. As these horrible things developed and with the secular authorities having made these changes some organizations and especially some churches have been slow to adjust. However some religious organizations that have adjusted have been maligned due to the flying criticisms against all by sincere people who truly want to protect children and find the past shocking. But some wrong conclusions made against some who have made the effort to protect children. The following wrong conclusions below are made.
- The claim is made that no action is taken because the bibles recommends having two witnesses to a matter. It is claimed logically that when a child comes forward there are normally no other witnesses. But the criticism is unfounded because the organization in question requires immediate reporting to the authorities. Then when their professional assessment and establishment as qualified individuals confirms the matter , they indeed become the second witness. During the interim families are admonished to avoid the person in question in every way possible,thus keeping their children protected.
2.The claim is made that there is a cover-up of the wrong doing because things are said to be confidential and before acting those in charge must call the branch of the said organization so the assumption is made that this is only a continuation of the cover-up. But the truth is that all investigations are not broadcast during the time of investigation. The police tell the news media many times they have no comment on a matter that is under investigation . That takes time. The military doesn’t share strategies with the press for obvious reasons, it is only afterward one sees the strategy. During a time of investigation things are kept confidential to only the qualified persons and professionals involved in that investigation. There is always a need to get the right information from those who are familiar with the correct steps for each jurisdiction or state involved. It would be a foolish thing not to get the proper advice and has nothing to do with a cover-up . In fact many mistakes made in the past were due to ones acting without the proper information. Mind you the families have been advised so they can protect their children during this process.
- The claim is made that members of said organization do not consider non- members information as valid. So begs the question, why are the findings of the professional non-members considered a second witness that give the green light to take action against the wrongdoer.
- The claim is made that all records regarding pedophiles are destroyed and he may move to another congregation to carry out his deeds again. If someone does that he is not following direction because records of a pedophile can NEVER be destroyed nor can he ever have a position of responsibility of any kind. Not only that , all new families are warned as well and warned not to let their children have contact with him or be involved in any activities in his home or elsewhere he may be. If he moves to another congregation that congregation is informed completely of his situation. ALL Pedophiles are handled in this manner no matter how long ago it occurred and even if it happened before they became an attendee of the congregation. This is an evil disgusting act and as in the case of governmental authorities so in the congregation this stays with them all their life and they are always marked everywhere as above while at the same time efforts are made to help them overcome such actions and thinking. The purpose is to help them to develop the new personality mentioned in Colossians 3:9.10, “Do not lie to one another. Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it”
- The above is only in the case of those persons not continuing to practice this past abusive repugnant conduct. Those that continue in this practice are turned over to the authorities and removed from the congregation.
The above information establishes some of the strongest actions taken to protect children by any organization. These young innocent lives must be protected from these despicable criminal evil acts. The wrongdoer if sincerely repentant is helped as well to get his life readjusted , but the children are always protected from such an individual because these kinds of inclinations are intrincically evil and need to be always monitored to protect children. These desires are similiar to those of an alcoholic who even though he has conquered his problem must always avoid alcohol. So one with this weakness must avoid all situations that may tempt him and especially endanger a child. Those that take the lead in the organization mentioned must ensure that those protections are always in place.
These are the feelings and emotions behind the song ,”One More Child”
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