STAY (Behind the song)
Relationships appear suddenly and before you know it, a bond has been formed. As the song says, “Just blew in on a northern storm” focuses on that suddenness.. Two strangers, now two close friends and lovers with the intent to give ones life to the other eternally. Some say that true love is finding the right person that you were met to be with , your soulmate and then you will be happy ever after. Although this helps, the biggest part of a relationship has less to do with finding and more to do with construction. In life not all is perfect, as the line of the song confirms, “There are places, there are times when nothing seems to rhyme”. This is where construction comes in as two people handle and plow through these times successfully even as it tests ones resolve to continue. But then successful relationships are built facing the bumpy roads together and “Standing (ones) ground” in protecting something held as precious and not letting the scars of war alter the goal of preservation. It is the time to share in the construction of building a love that withstands all storms. So over time the relationship becomes a strong enduring structure that withstands all destructive intrusions. It happens if both apply these wise words at Ephesians 5:33, “Nevertheless, each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband”. These words focus exactly what is needed by each gender to produce satisfaction. A woman needs to know she is loved and a man needs to know he is respected. With the following attitude forgiving becomes the eraser for the negative by covering it up and forgetting it: “ Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins”- 1 Peter 4:8. Then love ends up acquiring this strength stated in the Song of Solomon 8:8, “ Place me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm, For love is as strong as death is, And exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the Grave. Its flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah”. As the song continues to focus on the unity developed it says, “Now is the time to share, love is mine love is yours, please stay”. As the last line of the song states that focusing on separating as an option becomes not a possibility. Why let the fickleness of temporary things like the marks disappearing on the sand by the entering waves or flooding rain cause one to believe freedom from this beautiful construction is a destiny. As the verse says , “Lines are drawn on the sand, the winter rain washes the land, nothing ever has to be , freedoms not a destiny”. These are the thoughts behind the song ‘STAY’.
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