Where did you come from RWANDA (Behind the song)
RWANDA : As I read stories of groups that were hiding their Christian brothers in order to save them from the bloody massacre at the risk of their own lives it left me shattered in disbelief that such horrible actions could be mounted in our day supposedly enlightened. The movie “Hotel Rwanda” left me realizing this was just a spec on the historical timeline of abuses against humanity that have brought about the total obliteration of the innocent leaving them broken and destroyed by none other than other humans. That is why the song is entitled “Where did you come from Rwanda” rather than just Rwanda. The literally endless injustices by man to others throughout history mirrors these words “that man has dominated man to his harm” (Ecclesiastes 8:9). The song focuses on only a small part of these human abuses as it enumerates some at the end of the song.. However there is hope and a future change coming. Notice how it is mentioned various times. “But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell”.2 Peter 3:13. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away,”-Revelation 21:1. “For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be called to mind, Nor will they come up into the heart”.—Isaiah 65:17. ““For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making will remain standing before me,” declares Jehovah, “so your offspring and your name will remain.”—Isaiah 65:22. The old earth will pass away when the action , “bringing to ruin those ruining the earth”.will shortly take place—Revelation 11:18. These are the inspirations behind the song, Where did you come from RWANDA”.
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