Woman, they should be ashamed (Behind the song)
Thoughts behind the above song were the sad observations in humanities history. Why have men including religious men treated women so unfairly and demeaning? How could such inequality exist and make any kind of common sense. How sad that such treatment tears at the beauty , tenderness and compassion of every woman. But mans history is stained with the exploitation, mistreatment , bullying and belittling’s of others. Blacks and Indians have been no exception to this mistreatment. As the song says, “you live and you die” How sad that millions have lived and died only experiencing the above mistreatment whether they be a different gender or a different race. The truthful words at Ecclesiastics 8:9 apply, ” All of this I have seen, and I applied my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his harm.” and verse 14, “There is something futile that takes place on the earth: There are righteous people who are treated as if they had acted wickedly, and there are wicked people who are treated as if they had acted righteously.” So it has been that some southern churches soothed the consciences of their attendees by misinterpreting a curse and a black mark and applying it to the black race thus giving impetus to justifying slavery. How repugnant such an action! Just in the same way in religious circles women in some parts of the world are relegated not worthy to discuss spiritual matters and are treated inferior. The same was true in the time of Jesus , but contrary to the public opinion of the Jews of his time he shared and revealed things to women even before doing so to men. In the bible women are treated equally and will in the future never again be subjected to such harsh mistreatment. As well as all races being born to experience a wonderful life of equal loving treatment for all. And all those who died in such misery will come back to life and come to know the wonder of loving and equal treatment thus erasing all their sad memories. ” All those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out..” John 5:28,29
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